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Friday, March 18, 2011

Episode 11: March 19 - It's More Than A Name

I don't know what to call you anymore.
"God" doesn't seem as intimate.
"Creator" is too remote.
It was so easy to call you "Father,"
but that's too limiting now.
"Mother"?  That's just as limiting.
God, if I’m going to Call on you
I have to call you something.

I want a title for you
that is both
intimate and personal,
and non-sexist.
But we don't have those kinds of words in English.
Mom, Dad, Son, Auntie:
all of our intimate titles denote gender.
We have to know whether a person
is male or female.
And you are both,
or neither.
Or both and neither.
Since nothing else seems quite right,
would you mind if I call you
by your first name?

Does it make a difference what you call God?
How does it effect the way you think about God.
How does it change the way you relate with God?

With that we conclude our week of searching questions.  But not our searching.  Ever.

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