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Friday, April 1, 2011

Episode 28: April 5 - As Jesus Loved You

When Jesus said,
"Love one another as I have loved you,"                           (Jn 13:34)
he was saying that
what Christ is to you,
you are to be to other people.
You are to be
(as Martin Luther said)
a little Christ to other people.
You are to be one in whom the mystery is revealed. 
You are to be one who loves people so much that their fear is overcome. 
You are to be one who loves people in such a way that they can accept the mystery,
embrace it as Jesus did, and find life. 
You are to be one who,
when you love somebody,
they know God loves them.

Is that what it means to be a Christian?
Remember when you signed up?
That was in the contract.
It was?  Oh boy.
Can we review those things again?

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